AusAID’s Civil Society Engagement Framework sets out how Australia will work more effectively with civil society organisations (CSOs), in Australia and overseas, to increase the impact of aid for the world’s poorest people.
The Framework provides a clear direction for engaging with Australian and international civil society organisations such as CARE, ChildFund, the Global Poverty Project, UN Women, The Red Cross and World Vision Australia.
Why the Civil Society Engagement Framework is important
Through AusAID’s NGO cooperation in 2011-12:
350,000 people in developing countries received new or refurbished water supply facilities
200 000 people in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia were supported by nutrition, water and sanitation, food security and livelihoods and disaster risk reduction programs
167 000 flood affected and vulnerable people benefitted from health, nutrition and water/sanitation programs in the aftermath of the Pakistan floods
5,702 babies were safely delivered and 190,050 people received essential sexual and reproductive health services after Tropical Cyclone Washi in the Philippines
More than 270,000 people had their vision screened for eye health conditions by members of the Vision 2020 Australia Global Consortium
More than 125,000 poor farmers were able to receive new agricultural technology, support and training.
Marc Purcell, Executive Director of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) explains that “civil society engagement is essential for effective, long lasting development”—read more on the AusAID Engage blog.
More information
AusAID Civil Society Engagement Framework
The AusAID NGO Cooperation Program—Working together to make a difference for the world’s poor